

The locking of FLT as accFLT gives users the ability to participate in the weekly accFLT Cycle rewards. Rewards accrued by the Tokemak POA deployments are claimable in wETH by accFLT lockers.

accFLT Locked Staking The system allows for FLT to be staked as accFLT for either 2, 3, or 4 weekly Cycles. Users are able to either:

  • Migrate FLT that was already staked in the system to direct liquidity

  • Or directly access accFLT with FLT that is not yet staked on the platform Please note that any FLT locked as accFLT is not eligible to receive votes for liquidity directing.

Adding to your accFLT position

A minimum locking period will apply to any additional DPT deposits to an existing accFLT position. The minimum locking period is determined and set based on the initial locking period the user selected when first depositing into the accFLT smart contract. The minimum locking period will remain in effect until the user has fully withdrawn their position to their wallet. The lock period chosen initially will be the minimum locking period applying to any subsequent DPT locked as accFLT. The unlock of the latest FLT then applying to the total accFLT balance of the user. Example:

  • Cycle 1: Locked 50 DPT as accFLT for 3 cycles. Unlock of 50 FLT at Cycle 4

  • Cycle 2: Locking of additional 50 FLT for 3 cycles (minimum) Unlock of 100 FLT at Cycle 5

After accFLT is successfully requested for withdrawal, a user can lock additional DPT without affecting the requested amount. However, the subsequent deposit is still bound to the minimum lock period.

accFLT Reward Mechanics

Users who have chosen to stake their FLT as locked accFLT will receive rewards in wETH (wrapped ETH) – upon claiming the rewards the user has the option to unwrap to ETH. Unwrapping to ETH when claiming rewards will require an additional transaction. The rewards can be claimed at the end of each weekly Cycle, not solely at the end of their lock time. The rewards are distributed to accFLT stakers according to the following logic:

  • First, the accFLT power is calculated for the individual user: User acc power = accFLT Qty × number of cycles locked

  • The accFLT power of the user is then used to calculate their rewards: User's wETH Rewards = (POA rewards in wETH / Sum of users' acc power) × User's acc power

accFLT rewards are variable and will fluctuate based on many factors, including quantity of FLT locked, deployed POA, POA rewards, and the user's chosen lock duration.

Unlocking accFLT

Users can request to unlock during the last Cycle of their chosen lock period and then withdraw at any time after the lock expires. Please note that accFLT and the "regular" FLT staking are two separate contracts. It is possible to seamlessly lock staked DPT by using the "Migrate" button. If a user chooses to stake their FLT as an LD after requesting withdrawal from accFLT, it requires withdrawal back into their wallet and re-staking.

accDPT Emissions

It’s important to remember that not all POA rewards go to accFLT lockers, some rewards will still accrue back to Tokemak’s POA. Current accFLT Reward Rate: 50% of weekly POA rewards The rate may increase or decrease, depending on several factors, including eventual governance. If the rate is to be modified, notice will be provided as early as possible under the circumstances to ensure that accFLT lockers can make an informed decision to either continue locking or withdraw.

Last updated